The TNL-EM Simulator is a powerful tool for simulating carrier field mobility across multiple valleys and the entire energy band. It performs microscopic simulations of individual particle movement, considering external and internal forces from the crystal lattice and other charges. In semiconductors and metals, transport is influenced by random scattering from intrinsic mechanisms (e.g., acoustic and intervalley scattering) and extrinsic factors (e.g., impurities and defects), which randomize the momentum and energy of charge carriers. Stochastic methods, particularly the Monte Carlo method, effectively model these scattering events. The simulator allows users to initialize carriers across the energy band or specific valleys, facilitating the analysis of carrier transport and ensemble velocity under external electromagnetic forces.
Based on atomistic physics, the TNL-EM simulator can model electronic transport in nano-crystalline thin films and bulk semiconductors, and is considered a "state-of-the-art" tool for studying high-energy carrier dynamics in non-equilibrium conditions.
Accurate predictions of carrier field mobility of the group IV, III-V and II-VI compounds including Cubic, Zincblende & Wurtzite phase materials
The semiconductors carrier mobility can be modeled beyond the effective-mass approximation on the few valleys or on the full electronic band structure obtained from TNL-FB simulator
The electron-phonon, electron-impurity, and electron-electron scattering rates are included in a way consistent with the full band structure of the solid, thus accounting for density-of-states and matrix-element effects more accurately
Lot of inbuilt examples for cubic, ZB and WZ materials with flexibilities to accomodate USERS DEFINED materials and input parameters
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Graphical User Interface (GUI) based simulator i.e. no need for coding & scripting
User Friendly with Windows based application with full capabilities
Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) solution without any initial assumptions
Ensemble Monte Carlo Technique used for BTE solution
Include various non-linear scattering mechanisms to calibrate the experiments
Fermi Golden Rule for momentum & energy conservation
Modeled beyond the effective-mass approximation on the full electronic band structure obtained from TNL-FB simulator
The electron-phonon, electron-impurity, and electron-electron scattering rates included in a way consistent with the full band structure of the solid
Accounting for density-of-states and matrix-element effects more accurately
Users may trace all the carrier electronic transport properties associated with each single electron
Bunches of examples inbuilt with flexibilities to accomodate
User defined materials & parameters easily
TNL-EM simulator offer COST ECONOMICAL SOLUTION for mobility characterization of nano and bulk materials
User Friendly with Graphical User Interface (GUI) capabilities on windows platform
Fast and efficient algorithms
Users may check all the run outputs during simulation running environment
Purely atomistic physics based modeling capabilities
Elemental, binary and ternary compound semiconductors database available
Users can input electric & magnetic field for analysis of electronic transport
Carrier transport on parabolic or nonparabolic electronic energy band or on few valleys
Input database available for initial parameters
Effect of different scattering mechanisms on carrier's electronic transport
State of Art tool to characterize wafers theoretically in terms of carrier’s velocity